The Adventure of Board Game Development

Irish Freedom is a solitaire wargame that simulates the Irish War of Independence from 1919 to 1921 and also covers the Irish Civil War from 1922 to 1923.
As the player, you play the Irish rebel forces fighting for Independence against the British in the War of Independence. If you are successful in this, you then play the Free State forces against the Republican enemy in the Irish Civil War. Alternatively, you may play either war as a stand-alone game.
Game play involves moving your forces, represented by counters, on a map of Ireland. You can also raise fresh forces to help your armed operations. A simulated enemy move will attempt to prevent your victory. Victory is achieved by a combination of how quickly you can win the War of Independence and how quickly/completely you can win the Civil War.
The game comes with:
17" x 11" Game Map
88 Counters
18 Cards
16 Pages of rules (including historical commentary & design notes)
1 Player-Aid Sheet, double-sided

"David Kershaw and White Dog Games have put out one of the surprise hits of 2022. From the look to the gameplay, Irish Freedom is the complete package." - Keep Calm and Play Review

"(Irish Freedom) is very playable...map is beautiful,,,counters (are) meaty like all WDG games...easy system, played two games in about two hours...an excellent product...highly recommend this game." - Greg M.
"I really liked this one. I have experience with other Dave Kershaw designs, including Solitaire Caesar and World War Zed: USA both published by White Dog Games, and to me his games share some DNA and feel similar yet different all at the same time. I like that the player has to consider how they will attack the overwhelming power of the British. I also like that the decisions are limited but impactful because you only have a few options and a few actions each turn you have to make them matter. I enjoy having to anticipate, plan and prepare for the inevitable British units moving around in the Region. But I really like the thematic touches in this one, without any special rules or exceptions. The design is just very grounded in the history and makes perfect sense as you play through. This is a solid and interesting game that will appeal to new wargamers, or seasoned Grognards, but also those who have an interest in the history of Ireland." - Grant (The Player's Aid)
"Game play is smooth and easy...perfectly simulated...one of the surprise hits of the year...enjoyable...an exciting war game." - Keep Calm and Play Review

To order IRISH FREEDOM, use the drop-down menu below. The game comes in two formats. Formats are boxed and print-and-play. PnP is sent to you by email generally within 48 hours. Boxed is printed and shipped by mail to your PayPal address. A canvas map can also be ordered to be shipped in the game box or separately. Use the Add to Cart for payment by PayPal.
The prices shown includes shipping and handling.
Get the TTS module for Irish Freedom here.