The Adventure of Board Game Development

“Remember how the infidels plotted against you, to keep you in bonds, or slay you, or expel you. They plan and plot; but Allah also plots. And the best of plotters is Allah.”
– Qur’án 8:30

"I think (The First Jihad) is a really good game and one you can learn from...I really enjoyed it...Great job! WDG is on fire. (They are) killing it with a lot of great games." - Wayne Hansen
“Then you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. But don’t be alarmed. For this must take place, but it does not mean the end is already here.”
– Matthew 24:6
The First Jihad is a solitaire board game by award-winning designers Ben Madison (Jeff Davis, Margaret Thatcher's War, Nubia, Gorbachev,
N: The Napoleonic Wars, The White Tribe, and more) and Wes Erni, simulating the rise of the first Arab Caliphate, which spread the new religion of Islam across wide areas of the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe. The player controls the forces of fourteen empires and kingdoms against the invading Arab (Muslim) armies, with the aim of pushing these invaders back before they are successful in driving all the player’s armies to the edges of the world and converting his populations to Islam.
Game Components
1 11" x 17" Full Color Card Stock Map
77 Double-sided Color Tiles (counters, playing pieces)
50 Event Cards
1 24- Page Rules Booklet
1 8½ x 11" Player Aid Card
1 8½ x 11" Event Descriptions Card
1 8½ x 11" Rules Index Card (black and white)
1 8½ x 11" Players’ Guide Card for Historical Trivia
Time to Play: 45 to 90 Minutes
"Loving the game so much. It's brilliant! Congrats on such an amazing game" - Andy B.
To order The First Jihad: The Rise of Islam 632-750 use the drop-down menu below. The game comes in three formats. Formats are boxed, folio (plastic bag), and print-and-play (PnP). PnP is sent to you by email. Boxed and folio are printed and shipped by mail to your PayPal address. Select the format and shipping destination then click Add to Cart. Payment will be by PayPal. The price shown includes shipping and handling. If the game has a Vassal module, it will be sent to you by email upon request.

“If you walk in my statutes and keep my commandments... you will chase your enemies, and they shall fall by the sword before you. Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight.” – Leviticus 26:3