The Adventure of Board Game Development
"Thank you for a great game... two enthusiastic thumbs up!" - Frank M.

WORLD WAR ZED: USA pits you as the leader of the United States against an outbreak of Zombies or similar – called “Zeds” in the game. You must manage population centers, farmlands, refugees and the scientific and military response to the outbreak. Use the Army, Marines, and National Guard to fight the spreading Zeds. Weapons at hand against the prolific zombies include air strikes, nuclear detonations, and biochemical attacks. World War Zed: USA is a different kind of war game which will appeal to many regular war gamers as a light break from more serious and historical slogs and has the cross-generation appeal to serve as a game to bring family members of all ages together at the table for a fun, if slightly scary, evening. Designed by David Kershaw (Don't Tread on Me!, Albuera 1811, Vietnam Solitaire) with wonderful comic-book style art by Jonathan Carnehl.
The game consists of the following components.
8-Page Rules Book
One Random Region and Events Card
17” x 11” Game Map
88 5-8” Inch Unit Counters
20 5-8” Markers
70 3-4” Inch Markers
One Quick-Play Card
One Scenarios and Design Notes Book
- Random Events
- Nuclear and Biochemical Strikes
- Zed States Track
- DEFCON Track
- Food reserve Track
- Production Points Track
- USA Military Units
- 20 Regions with City, Farm and Open Areas
- Refugees and Survivalists
- Zed Boss
- 11 Scenarios
- 7 Historical Setups
To order World War Zed: USA use the drop-down menu below. The game comes in three formats. Formats are boxed, folio (plastic bag), and print-and-play (PnP). PnP is sent to you by email. Boxed and folio are printed and shipped by mail to your PayPal address. Select the format and shipping destination then click Add to Cart. Payment will be by PayPal. If the game has a Vassal module, it will be sent to you by email upon request. For international orders, please allow ten days for arrival of your order.
The price shown includes
shipping and handling.

"Great game!" - John K.

Some copies of the game map have a minor error in the range of Zed Burst Size. The range should be 1 to 6 as shown in the map image above. This does not affect game play if the proper range is understood. This error has been fixed in copies of the game going forward.

World War Zed: USA is the perfect game and past time for these difficult times. Combat the Zombie "virus" from the safety of your kitchen table.
"The game is well designed and FUN as heck!" - Lee S.
"...a fun game...very interesting...can play 40 or 50 times and not have the same experience...a different story each time...tells great stories...it's really cool...the balancing of different aspects of the game...very well done...I would play this any time...love the research that went into it...everybody loves zombies..." - Grant, The Player's Aid

"...the game is fun, simple, not a lot of rules overhead, interesting choices, overall a 30 or 40 minute game that plays differently every time..." Grant, The Player's Aid
"The game captures the theme really well and has great replay value due to the randomized events and the different scenarios provided. To my knowledge there is no other strategic level Zed game especially one with easy rules but still offering a lot of meaningful choices and providing the level of suspense that World War Zed: USA does. The fact that you can play a game in approximately 1 hour adds significantly to its appeal. It is great value all around and gets two enthusiastic thumbs up from me." - Frank M.